Tuesday, January 13, 2009


1: to move forward, progress, or act with haste or eagerness or without preparation

My day progressed in fits and spurts. For the third day in a row, I had a terrible headache, so the first half of my day was slow. I couldn't seem to rid my head of pain for long enough to think clearly. After napping for an hour after lunch, my headache receded to a low throb before I went to pick the girls up. That's when the rush hours (yes, that's plural) really started. Take a deep breath before reading....

I picked K up from day care before getting A & B because B & K were playing at a friend's house after school. After dropping them off, A and I dashed into a store to get shoes for B to wear when she starts basketball tomorrow. Then I had to get A straight to ballet because we were running late by this point. We stopped to pick up one of her friends for ballet and called to let the teacher know we would be a bit late. As soon as I dropped A off, I headed to the grocery store (without any of my 3 children!) before picking B & K up and going straight to get A. It's not over yet...keep reading... We dropped a ballet friend home and ate a quick dinner of cereal (gasp! cereal for dinner?) while A changed into clothes appropriate for seeing The Wizard of Oz at TPAC on her date night with J. We threw our coats back on and headed over to meet J at TPAC. As soon as we got back home, I put B & K straight to bed. Not surprisingly, I haven't heard from them since. Are you tired just reading this? Needless to say, by the end of this 4 hour sprint, my headache had returned with a vengeance.

I remember when my children were toddlers and the hours from 3-6 were the worst. The naps were over, the husband wasn't home and dinner needed to be cooked. My friends and I called it "the witching hour." We're pretty much past that stage with our girls. No one really naps anymore (unless you count me) and the girls can't misbehave during this time of day because we simply aren't home. Every day is not as crazy as this one, but the busiest part of my day is consistently between 2:30 and 6:30. Maybe I need to just budget in nap time every day in order to make it through the Rush Hours.

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