Thursday, February 5, 2009


4: peace of mind or spirit

I used to think that what was restful for me should be restful for everyone. As I've grown older (and hopefully wiser), I realize there are as many ways to rest as there are people. I've also realized that rest comes in many different forms for me. Monday evening rest came in the form of a soaking bath and a writing session immediately afterwards. Today has been restful in a way I
needed deeply. Monday was an exhausting day, for reasons I still can not completely determine and while the ensuing days have not been as tiring, I found myself longing for a day mostly at home this morning.

When I woke and dressed this morning, I was planning to go to a Moms event that I attend monthly. Back in September, I decided this would be a good thing for me because these events require nothing of me other than my attendance. I go, drink tea, have a snack and leave feeling fed physically, emotionally and spiritually. I do not lead, I do not bring food, I just show up. God has used these events to speak to me about where he wants me to be in my life right now, in ways that I never expected. Yet this morning, I just didn't feel like going. K and I had breakfast at a coffee shop and I didn't feel like rushing her or driving out to this event. So I didn't.

K and I picked up a few things from the grocery store and came back home. While she played, I typed up a short story I've been working on and got it revised and formatted for use in a project. While that might sound like "work," it was deeply satisfying. I'm sure the story is still not completely finished, but I've taken the next step with it.

After that, K and I met J for lunch. We don't do that very often, even though she's home with me every Wednesday and Thursday. It's about a 30 minute drive to J's office, so it's not terribly convenient to meet for lunch since it takes up a sizable chunk of our day. But today we met halfway, had yummy food and just enjoyed seeing each other.

Since we returned home, I've done a bit of cooking and worked out while K has finished her lunch (the kid is a slow eater). I feel remarkably rested at a time of day when my energy is usually at a low ebb. And I'm thankful.

Thankful that I listened to what my heart said and just stayed home. Thankful that I loaded K up to go have lunch with J instead of being rigid and say, "No, I want to be at home all day. " Thankful that K has played so well by herself today and let me do some writing, which fulfills me. Thankful for rest in whatever form it takes.

1 comment:

Variations On A Theme said...

Ben wants to be home all the time. He even wanted to stay home today instead of go to a playground with Daddy. I love those days when we're home and piddle and get things done. Every time I have one of those days, I think, "Why don't I let this happen more often?"