Wednesday, February 11, 2009


1 a (1): an individual detail : item (2): a distinguishing detail (tact is one of her strong points) b: the most important essential in a discussion or matter (missed the whole point of the joke) c: cogency

It's funny how God will use whatever means necessary to drive a point home. I am participating in an art group that is designed to bring out creativity. We met for the first time two weeks ago and were encouraged then to journal as a part of this process. I've not been doing that regularly, unless you count blogging (which I do). But I have done my assignment for the first week, which was to create an invitation from God. I get the feeling these invitations have most often taken the form of visual art in past groups, but as I thought about how God would invite me to do this study, a short story was what emerged. I could very clearly see myself being taken through a series of rooms, so I wrote about that experience. The last room I was taken to and through was fear. It was the most difficult room to leave and it was the final step of the invitation. In order to make sure I was clear on this detail of leaving fear behind, God has used another venue to hammer this home.

I'm also studying the book of Philippians with a group of women. It's an inductive Bible study, and I love seeing God lead me to the point he wants to make with me, not the point he made with someone else when they read the passage before they wrote their book. Last week was a shining example of that when what I learned was all about being bold and courageous, even if I couldn't work my way up to fearless and another friend's takeaway was about how to be joyful in a peaceful and calm manner, no matter what binds you.

Even though I haven't been journaling explicitly about creativity in my life, I think my recent posts are telling. Most of them describe something that would fit in one of the rooms I walked through in my invitation.

In my room of comfort, you'd find me reading like I described in FRIEND.

In my room of busyness, you'd find me stressed about wasted TIME and fuming at myself over a LOST letter.

In my room of knowledge, you'd find me examining a time of TRANSITION, while not willing to plunge headlong into it.

In my room of fear, you might find me trying to move FORWARD in the right DIRECTION, fueled by REST and hoping there was strength, boldness and creativity within me waiting to MANIFEST.

As always, God's been at work on me whether I'm aware of it or not and he's doing a good job of driving this particular point home. As I worked on my Bible study today, the word I spent my time on was hope. Let's see where he takes me with that one...

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