Friday, January 6, 2012


: the end of the week; specifically : the period between the close of one work or school week and the start of the next

Weekends used to be about sipping coffee on Saturday mornings at a bagel shop, my warm cup in one hand, my book in another.  Weekends were about catching up with my husband, catching a movie and catching up on the laundry.  Weekends were about sleeping late and breathing deeply.

Then I had three children.

Then said children miraculously turned the ages of 7, 10 and 12.

Weekends are an entirely different ballgame now.

Let's just use this weekend as an example:

Friday Night:
Birthday party for K's friend

Birthday Party for A:
  • Super Commando Game Night at church
  • Sweet Cece's for dessert
  • Sleepover with Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone for their viewing pleasure.  

Pick up for A's sleepover at 9 AM.
Ballet parent meeting at 9 AM.  (It's a good thing we have two parents around here.)
K's ballet class ends at 10:30.
A's ballet class ends at 12:00.
B's basketball game starts at 2:00.
The rest of the day, blessedly, is free.  (Unfortunately, J is missing Vanderbilt's SEC season opener because it conflicted with B's ball game.  We can't do everything.)

Attend church, serving as lay reader during first service.
Come home.
Make lunch.
Make chili for Epiphany Chili Cook Off.
Load Christmas tree onto the top of the van to drop it off at the church for the Epiphany bonfire.
Attend cook off and bonfire.
Fall into bed.

While I'm using this weekend as an example, I should confess it's not actually a terribly busy one.  There's nothing Saturday evening.  B hasn't started her Sunday evening choir rehearsals.  I may even get a load of laundry or two done on Saturday (since that did not happen today).

I've definitely traded in the slow mornings with coffee and book for up and at 'em and carpooling.  You know what?  It's a better than equal trade.  I'm thankful for it.  After all, I get to live my life with these four:

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